Sunday, January 17, 2010

Menu Plan Monday

So i have been trying to be good a do a menu, I sat here last Sunday and asked my hubby what he wanted for dinner's and we made a menu out. So when I would tell him what was for dinner that night he would say he didn't like it or want it. AAHH! I don't pick specific days for meals, but I do need to be able to pull something out to thaw that morning. splurge on dinner.

So as much as I don't really wnat to make another menu out I am going to. This time I will add a few meals so there are more choices to choose from. And even though he says he doesn't wnat a certain type of meal I will have a few for backups for those nights he wants to.

-Rosemary Chicken and white beans

-KFC spicey wings, salad

-Curly's ribs, yam twice baked

-Fish, roasted veggies (squash, zuchinni, red bell pepper)

-Chicken, salad

-Corn Dog Casserole

-Pork Chops, Salad, Quinoa side dish

-CBLT sandwich, baked lays chips

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