At this point he kept distracting himself. His shin guards bother him so he pulled his sock all the way down cause he didn't want them on.
So here he is finally done, he just wouldn't play anymore. He sat on the side for the last quarter.
*So I have been using envelopes for my coupons and finally decided I needed something easier to use. So I made this book. I still can't put them all in here but I figure it will work for awhile.

*Wyatt had a soccer game the day they made the firetruck at Lowe's. Derek drove down to Lowes and got it for him so they could make it later that night. He really loves making these things, he also loves to play with them too.

*So this pic is pretty funny I went to get in the shower yesterday and found this on my shower wall. Wyatt loves when Derek draws for him so I guess during Derek's shower the other day Wyatt had him draw this truck for him. Those two are so funny.
i think you need slim down on the coupons!! to that drawing is so cute!!!
He is too cute.
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